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Most of our dangerous exposure to toxins comes from our own home. Our safe place. 


Let's work make it truly safe, together. Book your consult now. 

Who is this for?

Chronically ill patients or those living with someone very vulnerable (like an infant or cancer survivor/patient) .



Why take any chances with your health?  Work with a doctor of public health to reduce the harmful chemicals in your environment now. You can achieve results in 30 minutes with a personalized consult. Get yours today.


These results can be achieved through: 

 1. Years of research 

                                                2. 12 week courses costing thousands of dollars

                                                               3. A four year degree studying environmental toxins, OR

            4. One 30 minute consult 

This offer will only be available through January 1st! 



What you get


Free Toxin Handbook

  • This best selling book, is yours for FREE, and will give you all the tools you need to get the most out of your consults.


 Personalized Consult

  •  30 minutes virtual consult where we clear toxins from the important rooms in your living environment. 

  • You are virtually led through the most important rooms in your house while we spot danger zones.

  • Dr. Dunphy works with you  to customize replacements--and immediately make permanent changes to your health and wellbeing. 


Personalized Support

You will also recieve:​

  • A list of customized affordable products. 

  • Unlimited follow-up emails from the VIP team.

Book Now

The Process

Here is what you can expect: 

Woman with Laptop

1. Reserve

Once you submit payment your spot is reserved! 


2. Welcome and Schedule 

After your spot is reserved. Email or Click below to schedule your session. 

Receive your welcome email with instructions on how to get the most out of your consult + your FREE toxin handbook.

Enjoying Nature

3. Get Results

30 minutes virtual consult where we clear toxins from the important rooms (includes kitchen, bedroom or nursery and 1 bathroom) in your living environment. We recommend selecting nurseries, at least 1 bedroom, kitchen and 1 bathroom. 

You will receive customized  unlimited e-mail support from our VIP team!!

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My story


As a new mom, I wanted the absolute best for my kids. I envisioned a pristine environment for them filled with non-processed healthy food, no harmful chemicals and clean air. Then real life hit. 


 I was overwhelmed and I didn’t have the time or the energy to give my first-born the start that he deserved. We were spraying our backyard with pesticides, using plastic baby bottles, cooking with non-stick pans, using non-filtered water (which contained about 27 chemicals  over the EPA limit for ADULTS), feeding him brown rice (which contains high levels of arsenic),  and so much more. Seems harmless right? 


In reality, these exposures increased the risk (especially for my children) for: 












When I dove into the research I was shocked to find that some of the choices I made would affect my child for the rest of his life. Yes, certain pesticides can be found be in your blood stream for 50 years or more. Plastics can harm your sexual development, and cooking with non-stick pans is linked to cancer.


I invite you to join me in being courageous.


Courageous enough enough to make the simple changes that prevent needless exposure to toxins for our little ones and strong enough to spread the word. The thing is you aren't alone like I was. I will hold your hand and guide you through it all. 


"One of the smartest legacy investments you will ever make."

-VIP Client  


I created these consults and did all of the hard work for you, so that all you have to do is show up. 


  • Masters in Public Health (UC Berkeley) & Doctor of Public Health (UNC Chapel Hill)

  • Certification in environmental toxins

  • 3 years worth of research on environmental toxins

  • 1 Best-Selling book on environmental toxins 


As a new mom (or dad), or soon-to-parent, you now have access to something I would have done ANYTHING for: the “white glove service” of giving your children the BEST start to a healthy environment.


Click Schedule Now to reserve your SPOT. 

*Sale Ending Soon*













holiday deal

- Holiday sale -

half Off

only 10 spots remaining for 2022

(selling out fast) 

VIP program valued at $999, but we are offering a massive discount

For members that sign up in 2022 we are offering an additional 50% off of that price for an amazing 





only $499!


If you want to gift a friend for the month of December you can get TWO consults for only $599!!! 


This is an enormous one-time only value. 


Only 10 spots left ! 

Change your life forever, by living clean. 
You get: 

-FREE copy of the toxin handbook

-unlimited email support

-customized product list

-Amazing deal for 1:1 virtual consults with a Dr of Public health in which you will eliminate harmful exposures from your home

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